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The Top 10 Worst Toilet Manners

So, I stumbled across this article and it is too good not to reblog – especially the pictures. Visit it here for more information:

For your viewing pleasure, here is the top 10 in pictures. Again, for more insights on it, visit that aforementioned site. It has more words!



How to Sanitise a Public Toilet

Public Toilets are in general messy, they can therefore attract diseases and skin infections. So if you see a seat with wet stains on it and don’t want to sit down, heres a quick guide on how to sanitise a public toilet.

Things you will need:

  • Alcohol wipes
  • Disinfectant spray
  • Personal single-use toilet seat cover
  • Sanitizing wipes

1) Use toilet paper to wipe the seat clean, the pressure of rubbing a toilet seat kill many germs and bacteria. If you carry hand sanitizer with you, it won’t hurt to wipe a few squirts of hand sanitizer on the seat.

2) If available use a toilet seat cover. They are quick and easy to apply to the seat. It is also possible to buy your own portable toilet seat covers.

3) Use toilet paper if seat covers aren’t available. Make sure to also flush them away when your done so it is kept clean for the next user.

4) Have disinfectant wipes on you at all times. Flushable disinfectant wipes can be used to wipe the door handle, flush valve, and toilet seat in a public restroom, and can be flushed or thrown away after use. Most cleaning brands offer travel size packages.

5) Carrying small alcohol wipes can also kill lots of bacteria and viruses on toilet seats

For more information on how you can sanitise a public toilet visit:

Now you shouldn’t be afraid of a dirty Public Toilet just follow these instructions and you will have no problem doing your business comfortably in a public restroom. These are all positive steps all people should undertake to help keep our public toilets clean.

By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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Asian Squat Toilets vs. Western Toilets

Which toilet would you prefer in public restrooms? Squat Toilets or Western Toilets? Having grown up in Australia i am use to the western sit down toilets in public restrooms and i always thought that they were the better option because you can sit down and relax. However, i recently realised that this is only comforting in my own home not in a public toilet. When I’m in a public toilet its not comforting at all, i always have to clean the seat before i sit down and that takes time and effort, and to make matters worse what if you have a really bad stomach ache and its just waiting to burst out it just makes everything more difficult and painful.

This got me thinking back to my time in china. Although it was more painful on my legs having to squat it provided quick and easy relief. All you needed to do was just drop your pants at the rest speaks for itself. Thinking about this, i believe squat toilets would be a much better deal for public restrooms over western toilets, as people wouldn’t stress as much about cleaning the toilet and the toilets in general are also quite clean as you can’t really miss. I have however not taken in the fact of the size issue. People in asian countries basically have a smaller structure than those in western countries, which may make us more flexible.

Here is an interesting read on why westerners decided to sit on the toilet when their past history shows that they use to squat as well. It also provides reason as to why squatting is better than sitting.

By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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What can you catch from the restrooms?

Just read this article:

It’s not STDs you can catch in the restroom. But it is the common cold. This should lead to another campaign on sickness etiquette – let’s remember to cover our mouth’s when we sneeze and to wash our hands after we sneeze into it.

Regardless, this means we should wash our hands often, especially in public bathrooms, so that we don’t spread the germs around. I will post up a post on how to wash your hands in the bathroom.

Here were some tips AskMen had given us to prevent the spread of disease and to protect ourselves:

  1. Avoid contact with any surface in the bathroom: cover the toilet seat with paper; use towels to open faucets and doors.
  2. Close the lid of the toilet before flushing to block nasty airborne particles
  3. Wash your hands thoroughly for 30 seconds with soap and hot water, then repeat.
  4. Keep hand sanitizer handy whenever you’re in a pinch and need clean hands.

Let’s stop being dirty and let’s stop the spreading of germs together!

Cheers, Juliana

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilet etiquette or to read more, please follow us on Twitter:

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Need a toilet in Ireland, when your drunk?

How many times have you had a wild crazy night out and needed to use the bathroom so bad that you just decided to do your dirty business on our nice clean streets?

Well if you haven’t this is still a situation many alcoholics and party animals have. Now heres the entertaining part! The magnificent people of ireland have taken the first steps to stopping less public urination with there awesome night time public toilets. What do you see here? Probably just a circle in the middle a park right?

WRONG! at night this circle becomes……

A URINAL FOR DRUNKS!!!!! What a fantastic invention the irish have come up with right? This will lead the way for cleaner streets and a better environment for everyone. They really should start exporting these toilets all around the world, because there are a far lot more countries that could use them. Australia especially because i can’t tell you how many times i have seen people just doing there business ruining our beautiful streets. Whats better is that this is a stand up urinal where you are meant to aim for the hole because if you miss everyone will see, and you will have splashage all over yourself. This therefore is also an invention to help stop the mess within public toilets.

By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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More Germs than a Toilet Seat?

This blog will blow your mind! If you have ever been afraid to sit on a toilet seat because of all the germs you think are on it, here are some everyday items that you probably touch that have more germs than a toilet seat. This will make you reconsider hovering over the toilet seat when your doing your business.

Here we go:

1: Hotel/ Motel Bedspread

2: Purse Bottoms

3: ATM keypad

4: Office Telephone

5:Restaurant Menu

6: Condiment containers

7: Grocery Carts

8: Steering Wheel

9: Kitchen Faucet Handle(s)

10: Gym Equipment

11: Swings/ Monkey Bars/ Jungle Gyms etc.

Let me guess, your all extremely surprised because i can bet you do at least half of these things in a day. To read and get more details on this visit this site:

I bet the toilets looking pretty good now right? maybe you will think twice about hovering over the toilet seat and just relax and rest down your cheeks.



By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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The Art of Squatting

Toilets are disgusting  – we cannot avoid them when people haven’t practiced toilet etiquette are weren’t able. Here is the art of squatting. I do it myself.




–       Train your thighs

–       Be able to squat at a 45 degree angle BUT AIM

–       Legs slightly apart

–       If you’re wearing a skirt, holding it up with your free hands so the wee does not get on it

–       If you can’t NOT touch the toilet, half sit



Practise it, it’s good exercise.


Do practice when you have a shower. Otherwise, not only would you be disrespectful by leaving the seat covered in your yellow goodness but the floor as well. You’ll have to find a mop at that time.






These are general kind of graffiti we see in public bathrooms:

There are the intellectual debates that happen:

Bathroom tennis:

And then, the artworks:

Now, graffiti has had always been frowned upon – leave our toilets clean! However, when it is art, when it is beautiful and colorful and pleasing to the eye, it is in face, quite acceptable. At least to me, I’d appreciate the art. Some public toilets are designed to be so plain looking, I’m actually quite glad for graffiti.

But that should be rules that follow within the graffiti community.

  1. If you are having political debates, be smart about it
  2. Don’t just scribble your name, make it artistic and pretty and colorful
  3. If you really must include something about “your momma”, leave that to just one cubicle. Some people appreciate the humor but I don’t want such comments tainting the cubicle with the political debate
  4. If the toilets are actually grand looking and pretty, DO NOT GRAFFITI (only acceptable in those boring dim toilets)

I can’t think of anymore but these would actually be appreciated (by me). If you must be artistic, think about it.



Why don’t you just FLUSH!!!!

What is the reason people don’t flush after they use the public toilet?

Its disgusting to leave surprises for the next user, and also keeps that awful smell floating around the bathroom. Is it the fear of germs on the handle? i mean who cares you wash your hands after your done don’t you? Well if you don’t you have serious problems. I do understand that you may get lazy once in a while because your only doing a pee, but what confuses me is that sometimes there is still poop floating around at the bottom of the toilet. If you do a #2 you owe the everyone a flush! because nobody wants to smell that or especially see that nasty surprise when they enter the cubicle. Its honestly just disgusting, but if you do have a fear of germs and don’t want to use your hands its alright to just lift your leg and kick the handle to get it to flush, show some initiative. Honestly, i really hope Japan invent a self sterilising flusher, they have for a door handle so quickly get cracking on the flusher!

By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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Public Toilets- A funny reason for signs and memes!

There is a lot of humour related to public toilets, including funny images on how not to go to the bathroom, interesting toilets around the world as well as a variety of funny memes and cartoons. So heres a gallery of what we have found to be the most funny public toilet humour. Enjoy!

There are definitely many more hilarious public toilet cartoons and memes. So if your ever up for a good laugh go and check out this site:

And remember keep our Public Toilets clean.

By Jamie Tai

If you want to see an improvement in Public Toilets please follow us on twitter:

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